National Innovation Platforms (NIPs) are consultation groups that are established to identify needs, specification/streamlining of strategic priorities, identify business opportunities and discuss the targeting of proposed measures. NIPs are established for individual areas of smart specialization - domains of specialization - and represent a forum that has an initiating and recommendatory nature.
Important representatives of the application sphere (especially companies with research activities and cluster organizations), representatives of leading research organizations (representatives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, universities, research organizations), representatives of public administration and representatives at the regional level are involved in the NIP.
The following scheme shows the individual National Innovation Platforms and the classification of specialization domains:

The domains of research and innovation specialization, which represent the main “vertical” thematic priorities of the National RIS3 Strategy, are built on strengths of the Czech Republic. Each domain contains a list of relevant (strategic) R&D&I topics in individual application sectors and in specific key enabling technologies. R&D&I topics are conceived as strategically important topics for a given domain and as such are a basic element of the projection of domains of specialization into the support programmes. In addition to the technological and application topics, R&D&I contain domains of specialization and topics that use the results of research in the social sciences and humanities. These are mainly topics in the field of the impact of technologies on people and society in the context relevant to the focus of the given domain.